Wednesday, July 28, 2010

1812 at the Fort

We recently played our annual concert at Fort Henry with our wonderful Kingston Symphony. The symphony has been performing at the Fort every summer for many years. The most anticipated part of the concert is the always finale performance of Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture, during which the Fort Henry Guard joins us with firing cannons and fireworks that can be heard throughout downtown Kingston. We are also lucky enough to have wonderful guest performers join us. Past guests have been Georgette Fry, Night Sun, The Abrams Brothers and this year, Jill Barber. Despite wild, windy weather (you may recall a crazy 10 minute storm two weekends ago) and several lost channels on the soundboard due to rain, the concert went off without a hitch and made for a great way to spend the evening. Can't wait to find out who will be with us next year!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Anyone for golf?

Today we are playing at Cataraqui Golf Course, not for the benefit of the golfers but for a wedding. It promises to be a hot one. We are hoping for shade!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Black and sunflowers

Just showing off my sunflowers [grown from seed!] and my new clothes ready for the Fort Concert next week. Have you got your tickets yet?

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

A Day at Work

So today was a work day;well someone has to do it! We left the confines of the city to venture into the wilds of Pike Lake armed with instruments and swim suits. A great place to rehearse!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Coming soon to a Fort near you

Look out for us at the upcoming Kingston Symphony Fort Henry 1812 Concert spectacular, complete with cannons and fireworks--an evening not to be missed.

Friday 16th July and Saturday 17th July at 7.30pm

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Meet the Trio

Brockville Wedding

Could you imagine a better setting for a wedding. We even played the theme from James Bond for the groomsmen arriving by speed boat -- complete with shades!